Youth mental and emotional health are a big deal among kids and teens.   Rapid brain development during this time can lead to rash decision-making as well as emotional ups and downs.  Teenagers may grapple with understanding their identities and how they fit into the world around them—and that can often contribute to self-doubt and social anxiety while navigating relationships with peers and family.  Societal pressures and cultural influences can further contribute to the difficulties young people may face. This complex mix of factors can be tough on a young person as they move toward adulthood. We’ve learned, however, that providing mental health support for teenagers during this transformative phase in their lives can foster resilience, increase emotional intelligence and promote positive coping skills. When kids learn early on how to reap the benefits of mental fitness, they are able to move boldly toward their personal goals with resilience and self-confidence.  

Recent statistics on mental health and wellness among youth in Indiana speak for themselves parents need more resources on how to help teens with anxiety and depression. According to the Indiana Youth Institute, whereas 29.3% of Indiana high school students felt sad or hopeless almost every day of a two-week period in 2015, the rate increased to nearly 50% in 2021.* However, nearly 60% of Indiana’s population lives in areas with a shortage of health professionals and there is an average of 558 residents for every one mental health provider.* That’s exactly why  Boys & Girls Club Organizations across Indiana have made mental health and trauma-informed care a key pillar of its statewide five-year strategic plan. 

Empowering Teen Resilience with Strategies for Overcoming Depression & Anxiety

Lilly Endowment Inc.’s partnership with Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) and 31 Indiana Club Organization created a groundbreaking, multi-year statewide strategic plan to grow Club programming and increase the number of kids and teens each Club serves. As part of a $30 million strategic planning and implementation grant from Lilly Endowment Inc., BGCA is working with all 31 Indiana Club organizations to have 85% of their Club professionals complete two training courses. The first training is in Basics of Trauma which covers the impact of childhood adversity on brain development, behaviors and life outcomes. The second training, Trauma-Informed Practices for Youth Development Professionals, will teach Club professionals the basic principles and practices of implementing a trauma-informed approach in Clubs.

Fostering a nurturing environment with a supportive network of family members, teachers, coaches, and mentors can contribute significantly to a young person’s mental well-being. When kids know they have a team behind them, they can focus on growing and learning with a positive outlook on life and a sense of hope for their future. Indiana Clubs are working diligently to make sure Club professionals have the trauma-informed training and knowledge to provide Indiana’s youth with preventative and protective approaches to mental health and wellness.  

Trauma-informed training cultivates and supports safe, positive, and inclusive environments for all youth and families regardless of background, race, gender, ability, sexual identity, socioeconomic status, religion or cultural belief. Trained Club professionals are able to recognize the seven elements of a trauma-informed Club, trauma-informed practices for working with youth, and strategies to incorporate those practices into the Club setting.  Additionally, trauma-informed training highlights the importance of using dedicated spaces and strategies to help kids and teens calm down, manage their emotions, and employs tools to take on any challenge they face with clarity, confidence and hope. 

Launching a New Age in Mental Fitness and Well-being

With support from BGCA subject matter experts and Lilly Endowment Inc, a philanthropic foundation deeply embedded in Indiana’s roots, kids and teens across the state can wake up each day knowing they belong to a community ready to embrace and uplift them through any challenge. Founded in 1937 by the Lilly family, this endowment has been a catalyst for community development and education. Their dynamic partnership with the Boys & Girls Clubs in Indiana exemplifies a steadfast dedication to nurturing young leaders and making a positive, enduring impact on the lives of Hoosier State youth. For more information about the inspiring work of the collective impact of Boys & Girls Clubs in Indiana, click here.