Morgan Collins → Area Council Chair: Board Member with Boys & Girls Clubs of Noblesville
Rebecca Williams → Area Council Vice Chair: Board Member with Boys & Girls Clubs of Morgan County
Patrick Jessee → Area Council Treasurer: Board Member with Boys & Girls Clubs of Indianapolis
Becky Terry → Area Council Executive Secretary: CEO with Boys & Girls Clubs of Noblesville
Michael Simpson → Area Council Past Chair: Boys & Girls Clubs of NW Indiana
Richard Peterson → National Area Council Committee: Board Member with Boys & Girls Clubs of Wayne County
Why Area Councils?
Area Councils are an important and powerful force in the Boys & Girls Club Movement. They provide the chief medium for securing and maintaining the interest and active participation of Board Volunteers in national and regional Boys & Girls Club affairs.
Area Councils are frequently the channels through which ideas, suggestions and proposals flow to the National Council. Conversely, Area Councils are often called upon to implement the programs and initiatives needed to expand the philosophy and aims of Clubs nationwide. They have been organized in nearly every state where Boys & Girls Clubs are located. The purpose of Area Council is to bring board members and executive professionals together to exchange information and to discuss plans, programs, trends, common challenges, and best practices; to work and plan together for the benefit of local Boys & Girls Clubs, the national Movement, and youth; to fellowship and network with board volunteers and professional staff from other Boys & Girls Clubs; and, to provide a forum for board education. The Area Council meets annually in the fall & hosts a planning meeting in the spring.
The National Board of Governors of Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) officially establishes an Area Council, designating the area in which it will function and the Clubs in that area eligible for membership. Member Clubs are represented at Area Council activities by Board Volunteers and their Chief Professional Officers.
They are lead by a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson & a Secretary, and Treasurer. The Boys & Girls Club of Adams County manages the Indiana Board Leadership Area Council operating funds & the Boys & Girls Clubs of Indianapolis manages the Youth of the Year (YOY) scholarship funds. All Indiana organizations belong to the Area Council and is supported by BGCA Regional Service Director Mark Branch.